e-MOPOLI - Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility

Several Structural Fund programmes include specific priorities on innovative mobility patterns and transport systems based on lower or zero CO2 emissions. Alternative fuel and e-mobility represent an excellent opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of economic activities in urban and extra-urban areas. e-MOPOLI aims to contribute to an efficient diffusion of e-mobility and alternative fuels mobility with improvement of 9 policy instruments set, 6 of which directly linked to Structural Funds, in Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Romania and Latvia.

Partners, guided by Province of Brescia, commit to concentrate on several main working areas: charging and tolling policies in favour of e-vehicles, development of charging infrastructure powered by alternative sources, integration of charging infrastructure and charging hubs in spatial planning, deployment and purchase of alternative fuel vehicles in public transport and promotion of e-mobility in niche market fleets.

The policy instruments selected by 9 partners will be improved mainly through new projects and enhanced governance.

The Regional and interregional learning process will actively involve project partners, their institutions and their stakeholder’s groups.

The project, in order to effectively reach its goal, will be soundly structured on following steps:


  • e-MOPOLI methodology
  • Partners’ local and regional territorial context analysis;
  • Good Practices selected for exchange of experience and transfer of lesson learnt
  • 9 Regional Action plans
  • Monitoring of 9 Action Plans through e-MOPOLI webtool
  • e-MOPOLI recommendations on business, governance and RIS3 level for Regional and Local Authorities;

Besides reaching e-MOPOLI outputs and results, partnership will transfer them to a wider audience, through carefully planned communication activities, which will include regional and interregional events such as conferences, workshops, dissemination events, Policy learning platform and Programme events.

Priority: Low-carbon economy

Project duration: from 1 Jun 2018 to 30 Nov 2022

Budget: € 1.792.053,00

Financial support from the European Union (ERDF): about €1.36 M

Project Partners

  • Lead Partner: Province of Brescia (IT)
  • Flemish government Department Environment (BE)
  • Region of Attica (EL)
  • Regional Council of Kainuu (FI)
  • Calabria Region – Infrastructure department n.6 (IT)
  • Zemgale Planning Region (LV)
  • Rogaland County Council (NO)
  • Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (RO)
  • BSC, Ltd, Kranj, RDA of Gorenjska (SI)

Project website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/e-mopoli/c


In the attached documents below the newsletters.



First Newsletter Interreg Europe - January 2019

Note: download the document

Second Newsletter Interreg Europe - May 2019

Note: download the document

Third Newsletter Interreg Europe - November 2019

Note: download the document

Fourth Newsletter Interreg Europe - May 2020

Note: download the document

Ultima modifica: Mar, 05/05/2020 - 16:28